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Discover the FL4K Award-winning Spanish Programs for Families and Homeschools
FL4K equips families and homeschools with a customizable, stress-free Spanish language program for kids to use at home. Our program enhances learning through interactive games and fun stories.
Choose your desired level of parent involvement
Independent learning
Children can move through the program on their own and at their own pace. Parents can review student progress and scores to help children reach new milestones and objectives.
Guided learning
Parents can prepare and set up hands-on activities from the program to help guide children through more engaged learning. Our activities include card games, drawings, activity pages, and worksheets. These are described in our Teacher’s Guides and can be adapted for online learning.
Engaged Learning
The FL4K Spanish program for kids provides numerous activities that parents can select for their children's ages, interests, and levels. Siblings of different ages can learn together yet parents can easily differentiate the program for individual needs. Parents can learn along with their students. It's a wonderful family activity.
State-of-the-art skill building
Speaking, listening, reading, and writing
Through our K-8 Spanish curriculum, kids develop their skills in all four communication areas: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Our scaffolded videos, interactive online games, engaging cultural adventures, and activities using audio, text, image, and video prompts ensure kids have fun learning how to communicate in Spanish.
Our Spanish curriculum for kids includes frequent speaking opportunities throughout the program. Students participate in simulated dialogues, which include an automatic replay of the student speaking Spanish. Students also record themselves speaking Spanish in response to audio, text, or image prompts.
For parents who speak Spanish at home and want their students to focus on reading skills, parents can select content focused on reading as well as have all materials and instructions in Spanish.
Students gradually build writing skills in Spanish by responding to questions related to the video stories, featured characters, real-world situations, and cultural adventures.
The entire curriculum is taught with audio
FL4K's entire Spanish curriculum is presented to preschoolers audibly so they can learn with an integrated program that builds their developing skills and language proficiency, instead of having to use different apps that don't connect.
Teach entirely in Spanish
For advanced students, parents can choose all instructions and materials to be in Spanish, including Aventuras culturales, our nine-level culture program, which provides an opportunity for students to read and discuss a wide range of subjects in Spanish, such as history, geography, the environment, nature, music, and more.

Fun and engaging learning for all students
Our program was created to make it easier to learn to speak Spanish as a family and to support parents with a fun and easy way to teach children Spanish at home. Ours is the only Spanish program developed by a team of native and non-native speaking teachers and kids. Our Spanish learning videos walk students through a family’s day to day life, focusing on events related to kids and teaching the Spanish language through immersion. The whole program helps students build up language skills step-by-step so that they can use Spanish effectively.
A foreign language program that fits your priorities
The FL4K program focuses on developing strong comprehension and speaking skills. Our Spanish curriculum is appropriate for all beginner to intermediate students. The curriculum has ample content for non-reading students as well as more challenging material for more advanced students. Our program also teaches children about Spanish culture. These Spanish culture activities help students understand the people and culture connected to the language. Parents can sign up for a free trial of the Spanish program before buying. We offer a complete Spanish curriculum as well as fun Spanish activities for every type of learner. Please reach out through our Contact Us page with questions about our products.

A flexible program for every family’s needs
The FL4K program is easy to implement into your homeschool. Depending on the content you choose to cover, the FL4K program can last from one year to several and can be used as a complete or supplemental curriculum. The program includes fun online and hands-on activities, games, colorful workbooks and more. Parents can customize their children’s learning based on learning styles, ages, and family schedules by selecting the appropriate activities. Our program also includes teachers guides to help create lesson plans for your family’s needs.